Mehr Infos

Physiotherapy, medical practices & alternative practitioners

Innovative application concepts and products with matching practice supplies. Our products and concepts find great use in the healthcare sector. You can not only help your patients sustainably, but also implement new income opportunities with them!

Are you struggling with the following problems?

Full schedule

Are you and your staff tied up in appointments all day and can only worry about the day-to-day running of your practice?

Lack of patient loyalty

Most patients come in on prescription - but how do I manage to turn patients into permanent customers?

Stagnating turnover

How can I sustainably attract new patients to my practice if I don't have enough staff?

Gaining an edge over the competition

How do I make my therapy concept even more attractive and bring real added value to my patients?

Your individual solution

HF Concepts shows you possibilities how to complement your daily practice routine and increase your profit with the help of innovative products and the right concept – uncomplicated and without additional personnel costs.

We are specialized in individual solutions for physiotherapists, physicians and alternative practitioners.

We advise you on medical products and concepts to make your practice more innovative!

Bind your patients to your practice in the long term and win completely new target groups as customers.

HF Concepts helps you expand your practice offerings and increase revenue!

We offer

  • Manufacturer-independent product consulting for your practice needs
  • Individual concept design
  • Suitable marketing strategies
  • Training in all technologies acquired with us

You benefit

  • Additional source of revenue and increase in sales per employee/hour
  • Relief of the daily work routine
  • unique technologies and concept design
  • Interesting additional offers to bind patients to your practice