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About HF-Concepts

Due to the rapid developments in the healthcare market, companies must always stand out from the competition through innovations and efficient products.

Keeping a constant eye on the market and knowing the most innovative products is a demanding task. This is exactly why our team has specialized in taking on this task for you. Our team regularly probes the market for exciting concepts and works together with selected experts from the respective fields.

HF Concepts thus offers all healthcare providers the opportunity to gain a good overview of new trends in the shortest possible time and to distinguish themselves through profitable products.

Click on the images to learn more

Our network of experts - always the right advice

The right expert for every request!

Through our alliance of professional consultants, we offer you the right contact person for all equipment, concepts and your questions regarding the expansion of your facility.

Our experts have years of experience in their fields and are available to advise you with targeted expertise.

Oskar Filenius

Owner & Managing Director

Teresa-Elvira Gasser

Business development

Tyrone Peters


Jana Eber

Expert performance marketing

Jürgen Reinmuth

Expert IHHT Altitude Training & Metabolic Reboot

Leona Kröhle

Longevity expert

Christian Kwasnitschka


Simon Ostermann

Expert for plasma applications

Our mission - to find the perfect products for your facility

We go through the entire process from product quality, conceptual consulting and service quality, to installation and competent commissioning by our partners.

On our homepage and in the consultation we present a diverse range of products from renowned manufacturers and determine the right concept for your facility – exactly tailored to your needs and interests.

Our partners then take care of the conceptual implementation together with you.

Optionally, HF Concepts offers support for your marketing campaigns, which draw attention to your offer across all channels and thus generate new customers.

We also work together with strong partners in the areas of financing, pension plans and employee retention. With the all-round service of HF Concepts, you expand your offer with innovative additional tools and reach many new customer groups. We at HF Concepts see the advantage of a holistic support approach to further develop your facility in line with the market situation.

Jeder kann das Internet nutzen, um sein Unternehmen bekannter zu machen, neue Kunden zu gewinnen, neue Mitarbeiter zu akquirieren und vieles mehr. Viele Firmen sind jedoch bei der großen Auswahl der Möglichkeiten überfordert: neue Website, Google Ads, SEO, Social Media – was ist das richtige für das Unternehmen?

Ich helfe KMU den Überblick im digitalen Zeitalter zu behalten und bieten Ihnen im gleichen Zug, eine effiziente Umsetzung bei den benötigten Marketingmethoden.

Elektr. Kältekammer

Kältekammer bis zu -110°C

IHHT Höhentrainig

Intervall-Höhenlufttraining auf Knopfdruck

Cryocab Kältekammer Stickstoff
Stickstoff Kältekammer

Cryocab Stickstoff-Kältekammer bis zu -110°C


Die moderne Art der Kryolipolyse

Red Light Therapy



Elektromagnetische Muskelstimulation

EM Shape X

Magnetische Muskelstimulation (MMS)

BIA Körperanalyse

Körperzusammensetzung in Sekundenschnelle


Lokale Kryotherapie für den ganzen Körper


Bis zu 5 Anwendungen in einem Gerät


Maschinelle Lymphdrainage nach Dr. Vodder

Dry Floating

Dry Floating Bett

Eisbad 2.0

Die trockene Alternative zum Eisbad

Regenerative Plasma Anwendung


HBOT Sauerstoffkammer

Hyperbare Sauerstoffkammer




Beauty- und Wellnessanwendung


Ganzheitliches Training für Körper und Psyche

Infrarot Trainingskammer

Bis zu 65°C Infrarottiefenwärme


Der KI Personal Trainer mit patentierter Technologie