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Corporate fitness

Corporate fitness does not always have to be complicated and confusing! Through our products and concepts, you as an employer can enjoy satisfied, balanced employees and benefit from them every day.

5 Industries
17 products
5 concepts

Motivated, relaxed and healthy employees?

Isn’t that what every company wishes for?
HF Concepts shows you how company fitness is easy!

Back pain is the second most common single diagnosis for sick leave. Millions of lost work days are due to physical complaints. Many workers have been suffering from physical pain for many months or longer.

Three-quarters of working people report experiencing discomfort at least once a year! Sick leave is costly. Studies show: With health-promoting measures such as company fitness, absenteeism can be reduced by more than 20%.

The advantages for you and your employees at a glance

There is no way around corporate fitness anymore!

We know what your employees need to feel healthy and vital. With our products we offer you exactly that!

With our equipment you specifically prevent physical complaints. They alleviate and prevent back pain, reduce stress and improve performance, reducing the cost of unnecessary absenteeism.

Elektr. Kältekammer

Kältekammer bis zu -110°C

IHHT Höhentrainig

Intervall-Höhenlufttraining auf Knopfdruck

Cryocab Kältekammer Stickstoff
Stickstoff Kältekammer

Cryocab Stickstoff-Kältekammer bis zu -110°C


Die moderne Art der Kryolipolyse

Red Light Therapy



Elektromagnetische Muskelstimulation

EM Shape X

Magnetische Muskelstimulation (MMS)

BIA Körperanalyse

Körperzusammensetzung in Sekundenschnelle


Lokale Kryotherapie für den ganzen Körper


Bis zu 5 Anwendungen in einem Gerät


Maschinelle Lymphdrainage nach Dr. Vodder

Dry Floating

Dry Floating Bett

Eisbad 2.0

Die trockene Alternative zum Eisbad

Regenerative Plasma Anwendung


HBOT Sauerstoffkammer

Hyperbare Sauerstoffkammer




Beauty- und Wellnessanwendung


Ganzheitliches Training für Körper und Psyche

Infrarot Trainingskammer

Bis zu 65°C Infrarottiefenwärme


Der KI Personal Trainer mit patentierter Technologie